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Its seems like they are trying to redefine the solution as a bottom up approach vs a top down approach (I.e. Enable those in poverty vs tax the rich more)

Eh, I’d say excellent is a stretch, that is unless the 2019 is that much better than previous years..

I’m gonna say around 2040 we might get to a point where a commercially viable autonomous car is possible. From there give another 10 years or so for insurance companies, lawyers, and lobbyists to hash out the liabilities associated with roads filled with computer driven vehicles.

That being said, Seattle’s project showed just how much was learned from the Big Dig and that I would expect projects like this to become even more predictable after continual iterations.

I mean, rarely do the removal projects leave zero alternative for transportation.

Neutral: They should be very worried.*

Any comment on the direction Detroit has been taking?

I love that it seems like every night time photo in Japan has the amazing lighting

Honestly, I bet the next *big* thing that this going to hit the mass market is consistent infrastructure.

Honestly? No.

1st: Not super surprising. Cars last longer than ever, and people are getting longer loans than ever. Plus more and more people are open to life without a car at all.

Acadia, Traverse, and Enclave?

Everyone kind of pointed out with this that outside of the electric vehicle subsidy, which is expiring at the end of the year for GM, they dont really get any other “subsidies” from the government.

Its certainly possible, but it will be an uphill battle for him

The district that Lordstown Ohio is part of went 51% Trump in 2016 and 60% Obama in 2012.

Cant watch here at work, took the blurb at face value.

I hated it when Chevy did it with Ford trucks and I’ll hate it when Ford does it with Tesla (or whoever they are trying to mock)

Neutral: Its really tough to tell. A lot of countries are more culturally protectionist than legally protectionist.

This has nothing to do with debt though.

1st: Crazy idea. Asking for proof instead of implicitly trusting someone that stands to profit should you agree with them.