
That gif totally creeps me out :(

That is such a sad and accurate statement.

Once the baby is born, it should just pull itself up by its boot(ie)straps and take care of itself!

That's the stuff to say back to the protesters when they want to get personal.

I think he needs to see a doctor anyway. That one of those nuts is far to bigger than the other.

I'm now happy this article was written because it led to me seeing this gorgeous .gif

Croice cream!

Yes...they greys are coming...

It was if millions of bros cried out in terror and were not silenced.

Don't let them! Most of us are aware that people like this are a class unto themselves & not representative of most men.

It's all fun and games until there's another Ice Town disaster.

It's already started. The Greys are coming to mansplain to us all!

It could be both. I wouldn't put it past her to think the world is still begging for her to rescue it from the scary minorities.

And how! So much stupid in grey below the drop...

*offers your some guacamole and root beer*

For REAL! Now that a croissant can get married to a doughnut OR an Oreo cookie, what's next??? What if a croissant wants to marry 12 Oreo cookies? Hello, bigamy. And we just turn our heads. Will a croissant be able to marry an animal? That's disgusting.

I don't care about all the hate this is getting, I want all of that croissant-cookie madness to enter an unholy union with my stomach.

All I can think about is when I found out last year that my brother's girlfriend was feeding my niece infant rice cereal mixed with the "juice" from ramen noodles. She'd feed the older 4 kids ramen for lunch and save the juice to make the baby's cereal and these are the kind of people having big families. Sigh.

Certainly sounds safer than those scary hot dog wheels in my Mac n Cheese I nearly choked to death on as a child.

Ugh, tell me about it...