
I don't know about that. My friends parents had cows, and I'm pretty sure I remember two of them (at least) having names. Wellington, and Mettwurst. :-)

You know, that season of The Amazing Race is probably the only way I'd ever want to see him again. I'd want them to bring back the head-shaving challenge, and probably that one where they had to eat a ton of spicy meat, or cheese, or something gross. Or all three at the same time.

Imagine what their reaction would be at one of those cultural religious ceremony pit stops where they're expected to burn a paper car or get a blessing from a (non-christian) priest.

Seriously .... "Headlining The Knack tribute band" is pure genius. I hold my zippo aloft in your general direction.


During a ten-hour road trip to a mutual friend's wedding, my best friend, boyfriend, and I were discussing the viability of a dislike button on Facebook.

I thought it would lead to passive bullying, but my best friend insisted that it would be used for crappy situations when you want to show support but don't want to

Just found out Classic Dr. Who episodes are available on Netflix.

While pursuing that baseball career - will he then help save The Looney Toons?

One time, in elementary school, I decided I didn't like canned corn.

So the next time they served it at lunch I just closed my eyes and pretended it wasn't there.

But guess what!?!? When I opened my eyes, it was still there. Really. It was almost as if it was a real thing I couldn't wish away . . . .

The veal is excellent.


I went to a place once that expected me to pay for my own food and beverages while someone else took care of "decor, photography, attire" and the rest.

It was called a restaurant.

I found the whole thing incredibly gauche, so I never went back.

This is the longest set up for an ARISTOCRATS joke ever.


They are over here, too. They're also a delicious fried corn-meal fritter that can be dunked in honey butter, and I can eat my weight in them.

He also signed an amnesty law for illegal immigrants in 1986 (double 'splosion)

I'm doing public service loan forgiveness now! I'm 2 years into repayment - 8 more years to go!! Great advice for people, thanks for including it, a lot of folks don't know that PSLF exists.

Ah, Facebook, always there to help you figure out which of your friends are racists, misogynists, or otherwise douchebags. Thanks, Facebook!

He kissed a fish just to try it...I'm sure his wife won't mind it.

My world has fallen apart just now >.<

Yes! He was really great. I loved how he was able to infuse his very reasonable argument that her last strike was bullshit with barely concealed contempt for how utterly shady the whole thing was. Like, come on guys, even you're not this thick. I refuse to believe that you want me to think you are this much of an