You probably got tired of people saying 'Hello, Doily' as well.
You probably got tired of people saying 'Hello, Doily' as well.
That should be fun. Better than having a friend dress up as a doily.
Oooh. That's a good costume.
But maybe your Halloween costume is as a transformer, particularly Optimus Prime, or even Amazon Prime, and then you would need a lot more boxes. I'm just trying to be accommodating.
I'm assuming you're bigger than a bread box yet smaller than a refrigerator box, but maybe you want to make an entire wall of refrigerator boxes for some reason.
Sure. Just the one?
The fridge boxes are great.
Did you want me to make a note on your account to quit sending them?
We should be able to work something out with shipping, then.
Well, I can ask the folks in the warehouse to set it aside. Was that 8:30 am or pm?
I understand. Unfortunately, once the order has been processed, we can't apply your Amazon Prime membership to it. Company policy.
You should have mentioned Amazon Prime to start. Did you select that option at checkout?
Sure. There's a shipping and handling charge, of course.
Did you?
God bless him.
Right! Big Abortion, opening up the AbortionPlexes on the edge of town, driving the Mom and Pop aborters out of business.
You know, Eisenhower warned us about the Abortion-Industrial Complex.
The Penisphere. Hmm.