
It was posted after her testimony, but he claimed it was taken the first week of trial.

I don't think R. Kelly has ever danced with a cartoon mouse. I could be wrong.

I was going more for a Gene Kelly thing.

Really? I've been giving off an R. Kelly vibe?

I don't know. Seems like a lot to ask, what with all these girls who are actually above their chronological age luring innocent men into committing illegal acts.

That's just crazy talk

Yeah. They wanted to make a stand on their beliefs.

It became a statewide supreme court ruling because the photography studio appealed a lower court ruling. Here's the sequence of events. They get discriminated against. They file a discrimination complaint with the New Mexico Human Rights Commission. The Human Rights Commission upholds the complaint and finds that the

If they had said 'We're already booked that weekend' or 'We're going out of town that weekend' then yes, they could turn down the booking. But they specifically told one half of the couple that they only do 'traditional' weddings, and when she asked if that meant they don't do weddings for same-sex couples, they

I'll second this

What if none of those things happens?

Your first what?

You're the best coffee maker I know.

I guess I'll have to. Would you make me a cup?

I have to rethink everything now. I don't drink coffee.

So you're in the nice guy camp. I see now. Bet you're sexing up dudes at home while wearing a fedora.

Wait. I thought you were an ottoman.

Pen? Can I call you Pen? I like you, I do, but man, everyone knows if you really want that woman to want you, you need to go down on that guy right then and there in that bar in front of her. (It's also acceptable for the guy to go down on you.) None of this gentle relationship stuff with him. Sex that dude in public

I'm a guy, and that was one of the scariest articles I've read in a long time.

Not even for science?