

Did you ever toss a ball of yarn at her just to see what would happen?

True, but I could see the possibility that a furry might have other qualities to make you willing to work with the furriness. I can't say the same about a racist, sexist, or a 2013 republican.

How did you keep from laughing? Or were you able to do so?

"Sexist dingbat Larry Summers"

I for one welcome our new buzzed cut lesbian overlords

Look, I can understand no racists, homophobes, or republicans, but what's wrong with furries? It would at least make for an interesting evening.

I don't think she was serious.

No problem. But that's what makes the claims of judicial impropriety so obnoxious. It's not uncommon for a criminal defendant to think everything is in place for them to avoid jail time only to have a judge decide that they should go to jail after all. It's not over til the judge issues a sentence, no matter what the

I don't think those are mutually exclusive options. I'd go with C: Both

Here's the sequence of events. A plea bargain was reached and every charge but one was dismissed. As part of the plea bargain, Polanski had to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. The evaluation resulted in a recommendation for probation. However, the judge indicated that he was inclined to send Polanski to jail, at

Dear Concerned Individual:

Just one kilo? We usually require new residents to bring in at least two.

I think it's because as stupid as he is, he has pretty cunning political instincts. I mean, he was smart enough to realize he needed to move out of the eastern part of the state if he hoped to get elected to national office, and he was smart enough to know he would get his clock cleaned if he ran for the Senate next

So, assholes who are extremely dedicated to being assholes. Yeah, that's admirable.

The younger picture is before he sold his soul.

I want to make jokes. I really do. But fuck, how could anyone in a position of authority ever possibly think they could send out dick pics and not have it become public knowledge?

That's what they want you to think

Well, that's a guilty face if I ever saw one.

And writers across the land looked at their plans for NaNoWriMo, crumpled them up and tossed them away, and got ready for their shifts at McDonalds.