
It's a statement that also seems to take away any say he might have in the matter.

Beautiful post. One of the things I struggle with as the father of a 10-year old son and a 15-year old stepson is what to teach them about what it means to be a man in today's society, especially since the 10-year old only lives with me for two months in the summer and two weeks at Christmas and I really only see the

You just keep telling yourself that despite the reality of the situation.

What's the cost for a set of cardboard standees and an iPod dock? Instant 1D concert!

Did it at least come out of that rocking device? Because the rocking added to the creepiness.

Great for your church, and nice use on your part of a classic deflection technique. The underlying point, however, remains true: The vast majority of people who claim to be pro-life and who believe that government has an obligation to force women to give birth against their will also believe that government has little

My apologies for not being precise enough. The underlying point remains, though. This is hardly an unforeseeable outcome.

Clearly not the best Fillion

So, they selectively pursue policies to allow more boys than girls to be born and suddenly men are having problems finding women to marry. Did no one see this coming?

Thank dog this is a parody thing. I was just going to shake my head over and over and over again for the rest of the day if it was real.

I absolutely adore my son, and spending time with him is among my favorite things to do in the world. But other people's kids? Do not want.

To be fair, our knowledge of cooties was far less sophisticated in 1962, so they were clearly worried about combining space cooties with girl cooties.

Velcro House is the name of my Crowded House tribute band.

Mind you, I don't think it's a great title.

According to the article, Take The Gay Train was the earlier documentary. Here's a bit from the synopsis:

As a riff on "Take The A Train" and the meaning of that song, I think it works.

why can't the church help children with Down syndrome that are already alive?

I'm not entirely sure of the process, but I think he's involved in 'hypnobirthing'

Is Yakity Sax playing on an endless loop at the exhibit? Because that would make this cool. Otherwise, meh.

Or is it a penis that looks like a strawberry? Hmmmm?