
He approves

It's working undercover.

I was a small town kid myself, but everyone I knew in 4H who raised cattle and pigs to show at fairs named them. Then ate them.

Right! They've named them and everything. You can't eat anything with a name!

Here's a story about it coming down. Scroll down here to find the first mention of it in the St. Louis paper. I guess it's been going on longer than a few weeks, but the undefeated since it was taken off is still true.

“They’re put on Craigslist all the time when they don’t lay any more,” said Coston, 48. “They’re dumped all the time.”

Yeah. It's funny it became such an issue because it wasn't meant to celebrate religion as much as it was to celebrate his life.

Centeotl totally sounds like the name of a new medicine.

Right. They put the cross there as part of a tribute to Stan Musial.

I might not ever use anything else if there were a vomit button on Facebook...


The grounds crew put the cross down without permission a couple of weeks ago. They took it off last Thursday, right before the team came back home.

Yes, with the help of Bill Murray.

Wouldn't you need a time machine for that?

It's a small sample size, but you should point out that they went into a slump when the grounds' crew first put the cross there and they've been undefeated since the club took the cross off.

Part of my charm.

You know they wouldn't make it to the first pit stop.

What else would I mean?

Other possibilities

He perfected anti-rain technology?