
Mikey asked him if he wanted to write Borderlands 2. He said yes. It happened.

I commented on this earlier.

My honest answer puts me on being a shill, but it's Borderlands 2.

Maybe. I love Ellie - she's a big woman. I also love Tiny Tina, who is unnaturally small. I think we celebrate edge cases because they are interesting and unique and we love interesting and unique things :)

Google is your friend on the PC question.

Everyone is worthy. We were made to create joy and happiness. We're going to keep working at it.

I don't know - the level designers sort of just wanted to do it and felt they could get away with it. In general, I evolved into an "anti-ladder" kind of level designer. When I was younger and less experienced at level design, I used ladders all over the place. I'm not sure if other level designers evolve the same

Sounds fun. Anything is possible. Time is limited. So, we have to prioritize.

Yes. Follow me on twitter (@DuvalMagic) and follow Gearbox Software (@GearboxSoftware). We'll be giving away lots of keys soon.

I made a note about this above.

I said, "Ok" already.

I'll answer the SHiFT question: Yes.

Most configurations are automatic. Port forwarding isn't a 100% requirement. Although, there are some people with edge case configurations. I believe there is technical help available on our forums and on the Steam forums. You can also get help via our contact support page.

The realism direction was not the right "style" for the game. The game design and story demanded a looser style. The concept art style we landed on is perfect.


I should talk about this later...

Borderlands 1 tends to grab the uninitiated after about four or five hours. Since you already have three hours of experience, you'll probably get grabbed in the first two hours of Borderlands 2.

Sounds like you're lucky. If you pre-ordered and are using a vault hunters relic, you also would be getting a slight mathematical advantage to better loot.

It was too complicated before.

I think that used games are a good path for some customers without as much money as others. It's also good for a tentative curiosity - a gamer who is considering something, but is afraid to take the full price risk. They might discover something they love and otherwise wouldn't have discovered through the used game