
Probably a poor idea to fight pac man 

The writers are a bunch of muppets for the most part 

It’s not my fault 

That....doesn’t apply.  These chickens and eggs exist as equals in the same enclosure 

That is weird, but good on the devs whose reputation is stellar to engage on this level. It’s good when fans bring up topics for discussion like this. I could see a similar discussion around say, branching dialogue options, where both sides brought up cognizant points and engaged respectively. Or I could see devs

That’s true but the games don’t exist without them 


I’m not surprised but I am disappointed that so many people are defending these two.  From a purely objective business standpoint they fucked up and deserved to be let go.  The only precedent this sets is people being more respectful to each other.  ffs

I agree with your point wholeheartedly, save the emotional remarks for a private twitter if you really need to engage like that.  

Great article, it’s nice to see developers reaching out to folks instead of calling them asshats 

Yea, was going to say, this video is probably worth a stack of gold to this claim

Brock Lesnar is a pussy and I’d say that to his face 

What he wanted to say is much worse, I’m sure 

Jordan is the GOAT and it’s not close 


Because of LeBron or because of the Spurs? 

Dirty mind you have, we’re talking about the underage among the underage 

I call most white ppl sketch