
I took a job in Atlanta recently and it took me a lonnnnnnng time to understand what ‘urban’ meant 

Thanksgiving sucks 

I’ll weigh both options

Ok, well it is for some people

What? Never said there was any victim blaming and that wasn’t the intent?
Your tone sounds misplaced and borderline nutso 

Someone’s sensitive 

Uh 14 is perfectly fine to start becoming sexually active.  I was referring to someone who would disseminate such pictures

Again, only bottled water.  

I don’t think you’re diagnosing the right symptoms, chief 

You can’t prove to me you’re no Bubble Boy 

Bethesda even cites as Exhibit L in the suit, despite still having the site blacklisted and never responding to our emails.

Your statistics can’t save you 

That makes it sound like it’s even more likely that I outlive the plebs, nice.  

That would be the FDA, not EPA 

I got a brunch burger with some crunch and it was quite good. 

Plastic bottles?  Glass only, sir or ma’am

Time to get a nice air filter. I only dink bottled water


Mmmm, yes, give into your anger

My bubble is comfier, yes. I don’t miss the EPA