
As other have said, the payouts are usually large lump sums that at least hit midpoint revenue targets for a title’s launch. By and large, usually a good deal for developers. I believe Epic Games free games get a little more money in those sorts of arrangements 

Yet the game is still horrible nonetheless 

Nah China is way worse than the Nazis 

Looking at you, Sanders

Here is what should happen: they should publicly execute the two of them and make a spectacle out of it.  Maybe let their limp bodies sway in the wind for a while in a main town square.  

It’s definitely the best game, the KOTOR fans dont even know  

Did we really need another essay on MGS2...

Never heard of Pillars of the Earth, looks interesting 

We’re just doing spoilers, eh?

Do people actually believe this shtick? 

That bug is the worst 

Jedi Master is the right setting. Yes.  

Have to since they disabled comments on that carcass lol

Lol like kotaku will be around much longer 

Haha, Deadspin is dying! Hilarious!

It really is that good, was a delight to play 

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Who’s worse: fans of this stain or XXX?  

Can dudes please stop forcing touches on women, cool k thx

Getting emotional about this