
What fucking year is it again??

Gonna butt in and say it’s great being comfortably bored and uninterested in Trump, try it sometime.

Twitter is out of control defending this guy. I am all for a grain of sadness that a young life is lost, but his entire fan base is basically saying the girl he allegedly abused is a liar and this guy is somehow an upstanding human.

Yea, I don’t think we should worry too much about CTE

Even with the shit he did this is sad but also good riddance

I wouldn’t be worried about it, but it will definitely be there in some form. Shark Card revenue blew away even TTWO’s most aggressive estimates. I don’t think it’s a bad thing but a reality, look at how much more content they keep adding to GTA V this long after its release.

They’re making too much money off GTAO to care and I’m assuming RDR2 gives them clearance to start up their own mint.

So he leapt in the air to do this? Or her face was already within striking distance? Sounds like a party pooper

I was so nervous about Origins but I liked it/am liking it a lot still. Really want to know what the modern day stuff entails.

Trade is fair but we’ve been noncompetitive in it for a while. Hopefully Trump doesn’t overdo it.

Internet is definitely reacting to this one holy hell

For context, sounds like a reasonable head hunched on some shoulders *eye roll*

Hot take

Gonna be a sad Friday :(

Get out

Was wondering that too

Agreed, I felt like it was more interesting when it went deeper into the Revolution, which it seldom did.  

I hate the amount of grief Unity gets. Loved that game.

Remember when Deadspin jealously doxxed a barstool employee

lol you’re a joke