
Always a possibility

I’ve felt this way about the Zombies play type as it’s progressed in general. Actually, sort of how I feel about CoD as a whole.

I cry too often and was in a certain sort of way. It was mainly the last 15 minutes and spots in the beginning that saw a water main break.

I no lie cried so much during A Ghost Story that I got an eye infection.

You don’t know he did it with full intentions, you don’t know if he even got caught. Maybe he confessed because of guilt. Again, I’m surprised at the comment section on this one. People cheat, it’s human nature. Faithfulness is >>>>> but I’d rather leave the scarlet letters to the Puritans. Especially surrounding an

Oh totally, that’s completely analogous to this situation.

You shitty fuckbird.

He didn’t use aim bots?

Man, the Warframe hype seems so real and it does look so good, but I just don’t think I have the patience for any MMOs besides (ironically) EVE.

The “we’ve been here before” aspect is the most insulting part. It’s one of those moments in movies where characters notice a landmark that proves they’ve been walking in circles in the woods.

I love the game and it has burned me out to the point that I can’t bring myself to logon. It’s painful.

You’re probably a boring cyborg, at most, and one without a strong logic board. That’s an absolute false equivalency on what I said, and further, you’d have to have opportunities to cheat not to cheat.

There’s doing something for show and there’s real emotion. If you’ve watched his stuff (which it sounds like most these commentators haven’t), you’d know he channels a lot of emotions. That wasn’t fake, and we have zero insight into the specifics you seem to know as facts.  

That sort of attitude is why we have cyclical violence around the world and a divided country. You can have empathy for both sides which, surprise, creates a greater amount of empathy to pass around!

I’m in disbelief at the lack of empathy in these comments. You’d think this dude slaughtered an orphanage. Ease up on someone who is so clearly devastated, jfc

People make mistakes, he’s acknowledging them. How about you cut the human some slack, you heartless cyborg?

Also, this is a fantastic list.

I thought A Ghost Story was wonderful but I watched it when my head wasn’t in the best of places and, be warned, I cried (read: bawled) for the last 15 minutes or so, then for an hour after.

I like a Lucky Pants crucible build so I like that touch. We’ll see if the changes and new content are worth it, I stopped playing shortly after launch

The ole Reverse Streisand