
I did such a number on my eyes this summer staring straight into the eclipse, special glasses in hand and not on my face....

Good times

Sick hot take

Everyone in the comments acting all confused as to what to feel: fuck y’all talking about, dude stabbed someone to death. Ditch the sympathy cards.

Yea I completely understand why VIII didn’t jive with most. VI is my 3rd after VIII and IX. It was the first traditional FF (did play the excellent FF Adventure, that goes so overlooked) I played through, so I’m sure that’s swayed my opinion.

That card game was the truth.

I’ll add, in this age where games are shipped in less and less finished states, I didn’t mind it for XV at all.

I never played more than like 8 hours of 13 before shelving it. Couldn’t stand it, I’ll likely revisit someday but I’m in no hurry. There’s no way I could put 15 above 12 though, but I take enough flak because I think 8 was the best.

I’ve heard!! I did a bunch of the high-level hunts and then got distracted with other games. I’m going to try and go back soon. I tried to avoid any information on it whatsoever and haven’t even been able to find it in game yet.

I’m pretty sure a lot of people were conflicted about how much they liked XV, myself included. There was so much about it that held it back from cracking my top FF titles yet still enough to keep me coming back (even though I haven’t done the secret dungeon or Adamantoise).

Followed the drone? Obviously?

Destiny II is a better game and I sadly have no played it since I cleared the story and got my light up to 300. Never even touched the raid, and now I’m even less compelled to do so. I don’t understand why a developer would pull this sort of subterfuge (besides Eververse $)

Avocado toast really is the soggy exclamation point us millennials needed for our generational massacre.

Look, I unfortunately watched the tape of that outburst. They should make an example of him and ban him for life, not 20-months. Too bad.

More of these!

What I’m wondering is if I have hand sanitizer in my car and lather up as I’m pulled over (face included), would it stand up that any field breathalyzer test would be tainted and invalid? If this report is true, I don’t really see why it wouldn’t get cases thrown to the curb.

Too bad the service is buggy as hell and locks you out of games permanently with no fix

Too bad the service is buggy as hell and locks you out of games permanently with no fix

No, your anger, not hugs

Give into your anger

I choose not to be constructive, favoring destruction instead. Yes, it feels good

Yea, but so does every heartbroken person.

I do, and it’s not