
They all decided that going for a walk on train tracks would be a good idea.

Wait - how is doing nothing and letting the five hikers die not your fault?

The Iron Giant was voiced by Riddick.

Weren't the Excocomps deemed "alive" long before Data? I know they granted Data sentience status, but pretty sure only the Exocomps were recognized as alive...

Looks like Parker has fallen on hard times.

So, it's a pre-make then? (prequel/remake)

Drug them, tell them it's real.

Yeah, it came in the combo disc thing I bought for Chronicles.

I'd gladly chip in, no strings attached.

So, a bald Willem Defoe?

That's horrible to hear.

One could quite easily solve this "problem" by going to an actual comic book store.

Spoiler: It wasn't.


Is there something in that picture that I'm just not seeing, or am I missing the point entirely?

"New" Cult? The Cult of Whedon is strong, and ancient.

Yeah, some companies even pay those assholes for the stolen goods so that they can run a story about it later. Those companies are assholes too.

Considering CVCT has been explored to death (ha) in horror films, I'd welcome a CCVT killer. It'd be a great new spin on the same old tail.

This is exactly what I thought of.
