Ignore what?
Colfer demolished the legacy of the Guide in order to make way for a fast buck cash-in "novel".
How much Keeffe is in this list?
Fair point, that.
I agree, it's unfair to the other artists and writers at Image - but, unless the bottom line is significantly hit, will the editors and whoever else green-lit this get the message?
Wait - this thing is published by Image, and not some fly-by-night indie publisher?
I came here to bitch about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy not getting a fair shake, only to find it was in the #2 spot.
Me, too.
Did not know that @wilw had his own unit of measure.
In the immortal words of Bit: yes yes yes yes yes.
Halo/Second has just entered my personal vocabulary.
I'll bite - what's a Wheaton measure?
I hope there's a box set. Disney isn't known for actually putting their TV stuff on DVD.
So, this takes place before Legacy (movie) and Evolution (game), but after Betrayal (comic) right?
Where's the spit-curl?
Where's the spit-curl?
His sibling?
Sir, I am going to steal the idea of you stealing the concept of stealing the synopsis to write a book trilogy to write a screenplay to make a half-hour sitcom.
Yes, well it's good to have you back.