Dukie - Jalopnik Emergency Management Asshole

Facebook user Robert Masek sent us this little nugget this morning: A man named "Colonel" Vaughn Wilson, who lives at 2808 Coral Circle, Alma, AR, (listing his own house as the destination of payment on his web site, and yes, the phone number on the home page for his event is his personal number), is "world renowned

I remember when it snowed out on the flightline at DM (2001 or 2002, I forget). 3 people fell off the jets, everything stopped for the day, people were losing their minds about how they were going to get home.

We did have a massive snowball fight though.

I crashed an FD car.

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I watched this movie to cool down after reading that last week.


And that is exactly why I don't venture downtown when it gets shitty out. I keep my ass to the Eastside or plan my route to avoid steep hills (plenty of those where I drive every day).

And when I say Seattle drivers suck, I mean in all weather conditions. Remember a couple months ago when the windstorm hit and was

I've done the Renton Boeing parking lot (as well as the one near the high school stadium). I might have to try the one over at Boeing Field too.

Eh, it's not that bad. 5-ish am morning commute, and an early afternoon ride home makes it roughly a 40-45 minute trip.

I'll keep that in mind. I work in Bothell and live near Kent, so anything in that area would work for me.

During my drives though Portlandia, I've found your drivers to be annoying, but not THE worst.

Yep. That's a Metro bus in #1, #2 shows the King 5 logo, and #5 is labeled as Settle.

Speaking of, favorite places to hoon when it snows here? Preferably on the Eastside?

At least 3 of those videos are from the Seattle area, home to some of the worst drivers I have ever seen. It snowed here a couple years ago, and we got 2.5" of accumulation. People were abandoning their cars on I-5/I-90/I-405 because they couldn't figure out how to drive in it.

I hope it snows like crazy this winter.

So many of my childhood dinners took place with these two on the TV.

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He's not going to a white collar, resort prison.

No. You're just weird, and will also be doing 90% of the work of the military (Tip of the Spear,DLI, yut-yut hoo-rah.)

(Full Disclosure: I help moderate an Air Force forum and of all the people on there, linguists are the weirdest. This is from my personal interactions with some, and other's interactions with them.)

A bunch of my friends have suits from there. Your logic is sound.

You have fun sucking rubber every month. Had I stayed a Crew Chief, I would have went to the 25th FS one day.

Space-A TO Osan? I guess that's a cheap way to get back from your mid-tour.