How the hell did I miss that!?
I'm Dukie on Classic-Celica, that's Grimace in the picture. Yours is nicer body wise, but my "new" Supra might have your interior beat.
How the hell did I miss that!?
I'm Dukie on Classic-Celica, that's Grimace in the picture. Yours is nicer body wise, but my "new" Supra might have your interior beat.
With how little people actually pay attention while driving, I could see it being a totally plausible accident.
There can only be one.
2 Ray Werts.
I was just there on Sunday for an Import Meet. Great floats!
What is your opinion on all of the electronic "nanny" controls that have appeared over the years on cars? Another TV personality has a deep seeded hatred for them, and I was wondering if that holds true for you as well?
I didn't know DJ Qualls could sing!
There were similar ones that some of my co-workers got for the Sandy response/recovery. They said it was a freaking god send to have them, as parking was terrible in some of the places affected.
Surveillance video of the incident.
Maybe the kid was just a maniac.
Obviously, you didn't spend most of your days on the playground Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys, they were up to no good
Started making trouble in your neighbourhood
Got in one little fight and your mom got scared
And said "You're moving…
Jesus. Uncle Phil really let himself go.
Considering it came with a rotary to start with, it's more like swapping the rotary for the V8.