Dukie - Jalopnik Emergency Management Asshole

More money than brains.

Also, it's even douchey-er because it's NORTH Snobsdale.

Thank you for your opinion, shit goose. Now, the greater proletariat will converse regarding your punishment for being a complete fucking moron.

Wait, Will. You mean to tell me that you made a piece of shit, out of a DeLorean?

"Because my left leg is asleep.. it's 4am and I'm drunk.. Can't wake it up for the clutch."

My contention is that in a situation such as a home invasion, do you really think you'll have the wherewithal to realize when you've only fired two rounds? I mean, a police officer, someone who is trained for situations like that, has trouble remembering how many rounds they have fired.

How many times have we heard of 4 cops firing 56 rounds at a suspect and hitting them 3 times? Adrenalin is a helluva drug. Very, VERY, few people can be perfectly accurate with a firearm in a panic situation. Most police officers will empty their magazines and say they thought they fired 2-3 rounds. Why? Because

Does anyone know if this is going to coincide with the "Mystery Chevy" that Barrett-Jackson is going to auction off for AARP's "Drive For Hunger"?


"The Somerset Collection. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious."

Only if they're pumped up. I gotta run, gotta run, faster than a Ken Block.

I'm very sad I was not told of Mr. Block coming to my neck of the woods. I demand a phone call, e-mail, carrier pigeon, etc the next time "Kenny from the Block" comes to the Seattle area.

I can be there in 45 minutes (from work).

This. I have in-laws who moved to the Seattle area from Phoenix. Luckily, they moved just before it snowed. I took them out in my wife's Suburban and had them drive around a large lot after the "Snopocalypse". It was a great learning experience for them since they had NEVER driven in the snow before.

May an errant snowball impact your testes, and while you're writhing in pain on the snow covered ground, a bird shits in your ear.

While I'm at it... IF YOUR CAR IS DRIVE-ABLE AFTER AN ACCIDENT, MOVE THAT PIECE OF SHIT TO THE SHOULDER!!! The fact that people don't do this boggles my mind. Of my biggest driving pet peeves, this is number 3 (#1 Camping in the left lane. #2 Losing your mind when stuff falls from the sky). Why should you move your

My grandparents still live on 11 Mile just East of the 696/94 interchange. I need to make a pilgrimage back this year.

I'm ready to beat this dead horse now.