Dukie - Jalopnik Emergency Management Asshole

I can't look at a jar of Vegemite without vomiting. The same thing happened when I looked at this.

I know two of 166's former Crew Chiefs. She's got a storied history, and she's currently with the Arkansas Air Guard in Ft. Smith, AR.

It took a SAM to the #2 engine in the same incident that Kim Campbell flew her damaged A-10 back to base.

You'd be surprised. When the gun system is removed, a jack must be placed under the aft jack point (just forward of where that picture ends) to keep the jet from popping a wheelie. There was a story told to me as a FNG in my old squadron. One of the guys had seated the jacks on an A-10 in preparation for changing a

Mk-82 500lb bomb on that mission.

*fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap

Look a little closer, and you'll see he did lose something.

Matt, why do I have stories that relate to the ones you post?


No. The A-10C is an upgraded electronics package. No new engines, no new design. It's the same jet with new stuff in the cockpit and new antennas on the airframe.

Tail number 82-665 was rolled out of the Fairchild/Republic factory in 1984. It's airframe #716 of 716 built (including the prototype & fly off airframes).



That's my assumption. I was going to go, but I'm thinking my kid's gymnastics class, & Seattle traffic have other plans.

You're in the Seattle area, right? There's a theater downtown showing Hackers @7pm tonight with Hecklevision. Something about you text about the movie and it appears onscreen. Kinda like G4 does.

That's right. The F-15SJ for Saudi Arabia, correct?

DAMNIT!! Someone call Penn Jillette to take care of the Rabbit!

Well, for a little while there, F-15's were falling out of the sky. Off the top of my head, I remember at least 2 that had the wings come off mid-flight. It caused all of the A/B/C/Ds to be grounded while the wings were inspected.

F-16's are still being built, I'm not 100% on the F-15. The jigs for the A-10 were supposedly destroyed back in the late 80's or early 90's. So there won't be any more A-10's built.