
Well, at least this won't be the French hatefest I'd feared when I read the headline. It was an American cheese.

I mean, I'm a veg, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about but...why on earth wouldn't you just...er...eat the chickens if you don't want to take care of them anymore?

We want kids to have pointy skulls? Fine, we'll reshape the kid's heads. Here's how it's done properly:


I say this as a long time baby-wearer and generally crunchy mom: come on, girl. The judgey tone isn't adding anything useful to the conversation. You can say the same thing and not sound so smug.

Everyone else in the video looks like they have at least 4-5 years on her, which makes it not so cute. In fact, it's rather creepy.

... and that is why future prestospawns will be sleeping upside down, like our bat brethren.

Christ almighty. Why not just paint a great big vulva on the thing and have done with it?

God forbid someone think your baby girl is a boy. People are fucked up. Look at that baby. All it wants to do is sleep and eat. Dressing her up like furniture in an Anthropologie catalog is beyond the pale. If evolution were just a little smarter, she'd still be in your damned womb, developing the skills to lift her

Thank you - because I actually SCOFFED when I read "a new app from Nike..."

It's from Nike, so I wouldn't hold your breath there...

What about an app that rates how labor friendly your clothes are? Were your yoga pants made in a sweatshop in Bangladesh, or a free-trade community of women who have escaped abusive situations and are now able to make a life for themselves in... wherever? Not that the latter is common, but if we knew, perhaps we could

Hah - yeah, I wanted to make sure to point out that silver lining in the article too. Like I said, I'm happy there's an opt-out at least, and that's a damn sight more than Facebook offered when they started doing the same thing.

It's like a modern day Shroud of Turin.

Right? There are serious jerkwads in the Paleo cult, too. Or with the Atkins people. Or the South Beach people. Or the pescetarians. Or the ovo-lacto vegetarians. Once people start giving themselves labels, they have a tendency to kind of overdo it and get all evangelical and stupid about it. Ugh.

I don't understand why voluntary diets have to be so black and white and so strict with labeling. Suppose I am unhappy with supporting the meat industry. Don't I still do a lot of good by reducing my meat consumption by, say, 80%? Or suppose I am a strict vegan. Is all of my good work ruined if I eat one fudge bar?



Akter told the Nation that she doesn't want consumers to stop buying goods produced in Bangladesh: she wants them to raise their voices. She wants us to raise our voices. Akter doesn't support a boycott of Bangladeshi goods — the millions of women employed by the garment industry depend on their jobs for income.

Let's not focus on "cheap" clothing here - the fact is that most clothing is made under those sorts of conditions, including the expensive stuff. Which makes the expensive clothing even less ethically defensible, as that means some third party is making an even larger profit off it.