
More like Game of Tetanus Shots.

Well, at least this won't be the French hatefest I'd feared when I read the headline. It was an American cheese.

I mean, I'm a veg, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about but...why on earth wouldn't you just...er...eat the chickens if you don't want to take care of them anymore?

We want kids to have pointy skulls? Fine, we'll reshape the kid's heads. Here's how it's done properly:


I say this as a long time baby-wearer and generally crunchy mom: come on, girl. The judgey tone isn't adding anything useful to the conversation. You can say the same thing and not sound so smug.

Everyone else in the video looks like they have at least 4-5 years on her, which makes it not so cute. In fact, it's rather creepy.

... and that is why future prestospawns will be sleeping upside down, like our bat brethren.

Christ almighty. Why not just paint a great big vulva on the thing and have done with it?

AdBlock are the ones selling out here, Google is simply conducting business as usual. AdBlock had the choice to not accept the offer.

I'm not sure how performing your core business (advertising) is evil, as suggested by other commenters.

In hindsight, I can't understand why anyone would have ever even tried to befriend her (such as Angela). The actors are clearly friends and the chemistry comes across, but as far as characters it makes no sense. However, had they at some point spun off a show about Hodgins, I'd have abandoned Bones immediately and

I have such a hard time with Piers Anthony. On one hand, his fantasy made up the majority of my early reading (early-to-mid '90s); on the other hand his writing, the older I got, became way creepier than I could stand.

The first 3 books were great, I remember reading The Dragon Reborn in a day (which is skived off Uni because I thought the books were that good). Then I just felt like I was reading it because I had invested myself in the first 3 books, but I never felt that same atmosphere I got from the first 3. I read up to book 9,

Oh, Lost.

God forbid someone think your baby girl is a boy. People are fucked up. Look at that baby. All it wants to do is sleep and eat. Dressing her up like furniture in an Anthropologie catalog is beyond the pale. If evolution were just a little smarter, she'd still be in your damned womb, developing the skills to lift her

"Get me — I'm a Taoist Consquistador! Can you dig that?"

Anyone who can't finish LotR but praises WoT is obviously a genius. Yeah, the standard of epic fantasy is SO much worse than a bloated corpse of a series that was barely tolerable from book 1 and whose characters are so poorly written that it would barely have gotten a passing grade in my high school Creative Writing

First book of The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. The only book I gave up on ten pages from the end. It suddenly struck me that after 900+ pages not only was I not invested in any of the characters, I didn't care in the slightest about anything they did or said.
