
I avoided watching Treasure Planet for a long time, and until that point I watched all the disney classic movies at the first screening, because I love the original story and I couldn't see how the movie wouldn't tear apart everything I loved about the book (I mean robot space pirates? WTF?). But then I got around to

The first guy looks like he's in his 20s, which with the 'I love you for the summer, but we'll do it anyway' made it really creepy.

My sister was born with thick, black hair. She was also a little yellow, so when my parents went to a Chinese restaurant the waitresses all wanted to hold her because they thought she was adopted.

My biggest problem with Hobb is that the buildup in each book is great and then the end of the book is horrible, that was the case for me with the assassin books. And then the living ship books (yes that is how well I remember them) I skipped the last few chapters of each book and still enjoyed the series as a whole,

The series was stretched out to much. I don't have anything against character development, but at times there really wasn't any and I felt I read 20 pages that could be summed down to 1 without taking anything from the plot.

Picking up my copy of eye of the world is kind of embarrassing with all the places I've underlined quotes and how much I obviously loved the book (I would pick it up and read passages that I enjoyed and had a notebook where I wrote down the most intelligent quotes. That went on for the first 3-4 books, but not as bad

I got to the break in season 1 and then when it started up again I realized I only remembered half the characters and had no interest in re-watching the first half.

I stopped enjoying reading Harry Potter mid book 5, and I got 2/3 into book 6 when I put it down and just didn't pick it up again. The world building became to flawed, with little internal logic, and there was just to many characters.

I gave up on the show in season 1 or 2, I watched it when I worked nights and didn't watch all episodes and I'm a little unclear where the season ended. My biggest problem was Brennan being a stalker, and really creepy about it as well (scaring of Bones date at one point). I stuck around for the side characters, but

Wait! It ended? Huh... These books were on my christmas and birthday list for years, after I gave them up my mom confessed that it got harder to buy me presents.

I outgrew Harry Potter somewhere between book 4 and 5. I went from loving the story to noticing that the lack of internal logic and consistency throughout the series. I read book 5, but it took a long time and then I read a few chapters of book 6, put it down and just never picked it up again.

to be honest i enjoyed the first 3 books where things happened and events came to pass in the span of a single book. But if you want to just experience Robert Jordan you can get away with reading the first book, because all the little things that will annoy you in book 5 is there in book 1, you just haven't been

Depp believes he is part Native American, it has never been proven by anyone, least of all Depp himself.

The problem is that it isn't just the cheap stores that use sweatshops. You can't go for price to determine quality of the product or how much they pay their workers. I have a dress from Primark that I have had for years and used regularly, and again I have a dress from a high end store that fell apart after I had

I went to see fast and furious 6 and had to keep telling myself that it was just a movie and to stop bugging the person sitting next to me by muttering 'well, someone failed their physics 101'

They went from gender neutral to an obvious gender divide with close to no female characters.

A few years ago I had a job where I had to dress business formal and the trouble I went through to find a pair of comfortable, quality and costing less then an arm and a foot made the job almost not worth it.

And then there is the 15 year old russian girls who are tricked into going to Japan by agencies that promise them fame and fortune only to leave them stranded in a foreign country where they don't know anyone, don't have money and no way of getting out because they now own the scam agencies money for the travel and

I'm going to pack away my ps3 now. And go outside, possibly meet people. And also eat some fruit.