
I feel like if a Vogue staffer sold the photos to Jezebel, they could be subject to legal ramifications, right? Especially when it's so publicized like this.

This is embarrassing.

Love About-Face and Girls, Inc.! Both amazing organizations who are doing good in the world (unlike Jezebel).

THANK YOU. I saw the trailer for that movie and was like, da fuq? They had to hire Keanu to save their country? Come on now.

Same here. This show and Glee are my guilty hate-watch shows, haha.

That's how I feel about this whole season. I want to see it through the end, but ack. I cringe through most of the episodes.

I'm sorry...vaginal decals? I feel old.

No worries, I totally understand. I have two cats and think that they are the greatest animals on the planet!

Haha that is his saving grace. It's so awkward but he does have rhythm, and it's hard to look away!

I love her in everything. That is all.

Awww. This made me tear up. Poindexter looks so happy and healthy now!

That's a good point. The Kelly & Ryan relationship never bothered me, I think just because they are both clearly nuts on top of being terrible people who the audience is supposed to hate. I also have a soft spot for The Office and feel it can do no wrong (before Season 5 or so, haha).

Yeah I felt the same way about her book.

It's pretty hit-or-miss, but there are some funny episodes.

Right?! It drives me nuts. I was really expecting to see something about it on Jezebel. Luckily, Bitch Mag covered it pretty well.

Totally agree with everything you just said. The way Danny yells at her (and everyone) creeps me out as well.

Remember when he called her a slut after he thought she slept with James Franco? That made me hate him all over again. I want to like the Danny/Mindy pairing but he just seems like an insecure asshole.

Haha, yeah...I love her, but I had to stop following her on Instagram because she just posts crap (and too frequently).

Luckily my current boyfriend doesn't have any bad friends, but I've definitely had that experience in the past. It's so frustrating when you know someone is toxic but it's not your call. Good for Mr. Beans for dumping him!

Ugh, that's awful. He sounds like the worst.