
Let me put it this way, the Hellcat has a quicker NHRA certified drag time. And on a more basic scale, you can plug in the weight and power numbers for both cars into a quarter mile calculator for trap speeds and times and see for yourself. I don't understand this "Dodge will be faster once it's rolling" business, you

The hellcat has an nhra certified faster quarter mile. All wheel drive and 0-60 don't mean as much in a quarter mile race. The GTR's relatively low quarter mile trap speeds tell the tale.

in quarter mile times the hellcat is faster.

Nissan has a technical center in metro Detroit, so there's no prejudice

Presumably said race is a drag race. In which case it's down to quarter mile times, a true indicator of engine power. You know which one will be quicker.

I know there was a roadster with high miles but the model s is relatively new. To travel that much amount of time in two years would require a person putting on over 250 miles on weekdays. Sounds like a tough commute.

Naturally, what's reliable in theory isn't always reliable in practice, but a warranty like this should allay the fears of some prospective buyers. The warranty, it should be mentioned, also extends to new owners after a resale.

The cost came directly from the CR post, which I assume you've read.

OK. So it doesn't require much upkeep. It only requires trips to the dealership, replacement of several items while they're there (including water pumps, brackets for the front bumper; and proactively, new drivetrains on occasion), software updates and resets on cars that haven't made it out of 30K miles. Makes sense.

considering its average reliability you better take the opportunity to dump it in three years. The magazine tests are done at relatively low miles, this doesn't look like a car that you keep for 100k miles.

I'm not exactly sure why this is so hard for you understand. Are you saying that if I shell out $100k for a car, that I should overlook issues like door handles not working and infotainment system that controls everything in car not working? Maybe if the car is a toy, but I would be pissed regardless if basic

right. So save your money, buy a Camry and forget about Tesla reliability issues. Having to deal with these issues especially out of warranty is more trouble than it's worth.

yeah, no thanks. Dealership experiences or not I'm not going through that. I can't imagine driving a car that requires so much upkeep as I never had a car that required more than two days out of service in the first year. On a 100k car that's ridiculous.

The Edmunds car is a "first year" car. But it also had 4 powertrain replacements including right before they sold it... after a year. So clearly nothing happened over that year.

You actually technically can't lease one.

That's very true, however it also means that if I were to buy one, I'd be dumping it as soon as the warranty period is over, lest I be hit with great service followed by a several thousand dollar bill. It's pretty disappointing to hear that this is happening with a car that's supposed to be much simpler than a ICE car

One of the trucks pulled over, and the other guy behind was not involved so yeah... I don't think the driver with the dashcam needed to pull over

That's where your extra Benjamins are going. Personally I would not put several terabytes of data into one place without some level of redundancy. If it all went poof it'd be catastrophic.

That's where your extra Benjamins are going. Personally I would not put several terabytes of data into one place

Does it do RAID though? I think that's the main differentiator. If you just want a bunch of disks to make one huge file dump, that's fine... but the more expensive enclosures offer data redundancy in case hard drives fail.

Does it do RAID though? I think that's the main differentiator. If you just want a bunch of disks to make one huge

Man, and I thought Ontario was bad. Chucking you in jail for speeding? That's way too much. When I hoon on roads, I usually go slow in one direction before going fast in the other direction and only when no one is around. In Germany nobody gives a shit.