It was probably agreed upon beforehand by both publicists for money.
It was probably agreed upon beforehand by both publicists for money.
Taylor Swift is a blonde Kartrashian.
I get that in reverse. So, same to ya. :)
Who needs fact when you have fiction.
Also, the rants.
That's cute! I'm surprised.
I've thought that before too.
Which cartoon character?
He’s pre-law. Or pre-med. There is no difference!
Starred and I love your screen name
“At the very least, it’s unlikely any other customers were able to eat at the Subway that night, which means that Abrell’s actions really should be considered something of a public service.”
That’s quite possibly tackier than the couple in this article.
I think he is going to get there. He had a good guest spot on the last season of The League
SHHH. That wasn't supposed to get out.
It’s probably more of a surprise coming from him. At least he’s getting people talking about it.
Diddy? Yes, he did.
Luckily we’re all saved from that now.