

How do I get out of doing these things at my wedding without upsetting my mother?

And in that case, can you blame the guy?

No one cares. Go away.

That would certainly explain why the character died out of the blue, as well as the unusual “perfect reconciliation” of Meredith and McDreamy, because that’s hella unrealistic (though I do acknowledge that Grey’s Anatomy isn’t exactly striving for realism. Ha.).

Samsies, except we drank every time someone said “Josie.” WASTED.

A circumstance, sure. But this one? I’m not convinced yet.

I also read that, but the Facebook post from the mother indicated that she purchased at least one hot meal prior to boarding, which the child then rejected. The mom claimed that she then informed the FA about the situation and asked to purchase whatever hot food they had. Evidently she was repeatedly told no, even

That’s called a therapy dog, and unless the dog is literally accompanying an ill patient on the flight, it should not get special treatment. Therapy dogs =/= service dogs.

I’m with you on the training thing 100%. I love my dog to bits but there is no way in hell she’d ever make it as a therapy/emotional support dog, even if she snuggles me when I’m sick or sad. She’s way too hyper. I’d need to sedate her just to get her on a plane, which I would pay to do like a normal person.

While I’m not in NYC, I’m feeling pretty good about my recent purchase of the supplies to do my own shellac. Is this type of treatment standard across the country?

MARK. Thank you for speaking in a language that my stingy-but-conservation-contentious boyfriend will understand.

I think it's a little from Column A, little from Column B...

I’ll settle for “doesn’t smell.”

That’s considered the entree. You also have to take at least two fruit or veggie servings, plus your milk.

I don’t get it either. I work in a public high school and one of our lunches is a baked potato and pretzel, with a cup of cheese on the side. I DO NOT GET IT.

Privacy settings will not stop someone from screenshoting and emailing the picture to someone’s boss.

But seriously, what else do people think of?

Really? I think they’re terrible! The food at Twin Peaks, on the other hand, is quite delicious.

Same! I also need to get my hometown. I’m not doing flowers, but instead things that have meant something to me at the time. It's turned into sort of a visual biography of my life.