
Ex used to scream "You're exasperating the situation!" Of course I exacerbated the situation,  after that.

Star belly Sneeches. They have stars on thars.

Sampling their own product, so to speak

And a urine drug screen, like any other gov't employee 

Cmon man. Grey is pretty arbitrary round here, you ain't a star belly Sneech.

He has classic narcissistic grandiosity and poor impulse control (personally, and from bitter experience, methinks amphetamine use) The call was supposed to be mundane, he started his Big Boy act, shit the bed, and the rest is scurrying roaches and secret servers.

I think of you as a righteous secret service agent spotting travis bickel in the crowd.

My sister in law was about 16 or so when she saw the movie abomination Howard the Duck. She screamed,If she fucks the duck, I’m done!” The entire audience died laughing.

No way his Eva B goes with him, either.

This comment...🎯

That’s a real amphetamine face there. That's the exact look the guy at 7-11 wears when he asks for my half smoked Black and Mild. 

Duchesse! Any relation to the DuBads? We may be shirt tail cousins!

Satchel Ass looking very infarct-y this morning.  

Loud. I think he meant loud weed, especially dank and stinky.

Then I'm barefoot.  Missouri she-devil style. 

Love for him to meet my tall, beautiful wife, she of the perfect smooth legs. PRETTY SURE she can kick his hat off his head. PRETTY SURE it would only hurt her to hear of this speech, so I’ll not share it, just to spare her some trifling bullshit in a life full of it. Places to pee, smart mouth assholes at wal mart,

I’m your girl. Barefoot or shoes?

Then stay in the bunker, Martin. Put your money where your mouth is and remain with der fuehrer 

Mother fought a snarling great Dane with a water pistol loaded with ammonia, and won. 

“Paltroon"- sweet!