
Off topic, but a zombie walking down the street in Westport approached me and burped a mouthful of Hershey’s choc syrup down her chin as she moaned. Super effective! My fucking hair stood on end.

She been taking Noassatall pills? 

Uuncanny parallels, what with the amphetamine abuse, robot bride, etc...these bitches always end up in the bunker with a pistol in their mouths. 

You’re right about the bad memory. She won by technical fall, obvs i got the score wrong, it’s been some years. I appreciate your correction.

There won't ever be a wall, because his grifter buddies grubbing for that gov't fatback will piss it away. There'll be Fendi bags for their bitches, but there won't be a wall.

Of COURSE the man who succumbed to bro pressure to shoot off his mouth won’t succumb to MOB pressure to apologize for it. 

Turd in the punchbowl much?

He let down his team! Wrestling is an individual sport, and a team sport at the same time. You can lose your individual bout, and your team can still win, and vice versa. This was State. Lots of hard wrestling to get there and his team needed him to man up and wrestle his bout.

Or “checking your oil”, basically a finger in the butt. Got a pair of field glasses to see scores better across the gym, and my god! The dirty moves I saw.

I don't getcha, friendo.

Our team had a female wrestler, 112 pound class. We were at a dual, and her opponent, a male, made it very clear to the crowd how he felt about wrestling a girl. He rolled his eyes and grimaced, mouthed crap at his team mates. I’m here to testify, she snapped it OFF in his ass, tech pinning him 13-1. The only point he

An A + for your chemistry.

Nystatin will get rid of Thrush.

Oh, god. My aunt used to give us green beans canned in old jelly jars and reused lids. She did not pressure can, preferring to use a water bath just til the jars sealed. Jesus! We called them Danger Beans, and buried them in the backyard.

Right. He received “anti venom", but the snake is free to bite again.

Matt, dude, my brother is autistic, graduated with a degree in engineering and makes bank. He lives in a cool part of KC, has succeeded in his 30 year marriage, and has raised two great kids. It’s not a life killer. I’m the dud of the family, and the only thing wrong with me is that I’m a dud.

True that. Maybe I’m the only person here who has seen tetany, first hand as a medical professional, and it ain’t pretty. You know that horrible little back spasm that makes you scream out in church? Take it x 100.

Paper Moon when he wrassles Randy Quaid. Barefoot or shoes?

Shove them all! Shove them all! I don't care, babe, you be you.

Seen plenty of Russian hipsters get squashed in those crazy car wreck videos, Jesus!