
Ha, i had a conversation on a dating site with a potential suitor. It got gritty real quick when talk turned to politics. I said I wanted to see their heads on spikes. He replied that sounds awful. I said, sounds like a party to me. He told me i would never find a man and die lonely and unloved- then blocked me. Oh

Yeah, it was terrible for her. But she lived with the truth and excelled. Her mom went into The Hole still lying and denying. Old bitch. 

No heads on spikes...yet.

Note his orange face is fading. 

Yeah. But mom explained projection/ deflected guilt, etc, in a way I understood. So I never took that monkey on, which says a LOT about Mother, yes?

Nevah mind, but it was a compliment. 

Um, i can answer your question “why did i do that?” Cause you’re a racist little bitch.

Contrapoint is that you, Babe? 

I don’t think they are empty threats, I think they are stupid threats. This happens again, there may be a storming of the Bastille. His base is mighty silent at the local Spit and Whittle club. It’s all well and good when he’s fucking with the Muslims and Mexicans, but not THE MONEY.

Unfortunately, my cousin was molested at 10 or so. A grown friend of her father’s was raping her. She told me, I went straight to Mom, as taught. Mother went balls- to -the -wall for her niece. HER mother had a “nervous breakdown” over it, claiming MY BIG MOUTH sent her thus. I was 8. A real shitshow. It became their

Here’s a question : I have been caring for two elderly, very sick parents 24/7 for 6 months. My shitbag brother just walked in for his q six weeks, 1 hour visit. Should i go downstairs? Or continue to vape and read WaPo?

Someone’s read Cherry. Gave ‘em an idea for another talking (lie) point, chatted up Pus Gut, et voila! A tweet ensues.

It licks the lips before mama claps it on.

Trump's Fuck Van fantasy.

Because that was the Story we were all fed, poor guy just trying to live a lost childhood. Hell, my childhood was lost, too! I grew up. 

Which is why I watched my boys like a hawk. People would say, “ Oh, Dubious, you’re PARANOID, they are boys. Right, yes, but boy children are just as vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. I taught them the same thing The Parents taught me...make a fuss, raise hell, tell Mom, don’t be silent. Don't doubt your


Ok, ok, but what I wanna know is...how can he see with those wee little eyeholes? (Not the ones on the white hood, understand)

Holly, i notice that Old Boy’s orange is fading...i wonder if it’s from not playing golf in Fla for 35+ days? Is this why he caved? Something as mundane as “I gotta get the hell outta Washington and get in some link time."

I’m old school, so I roll my schadenfruede with Kut Korners only.