
Also...."The Awful Truth" is on Filmstruck, RIP. Irene Dunne, Cary Grant. Irene is....the greatest in this flick. Look for the moment when she laughs in the music recital.  

Saw an aurora over my small Missouri town in 80 or 81. It was red. All the street lights, traffic lights, residential went poof. We cruised town on motorcycles goggling at the red sky overhead. Cross my heart.

Yeah, stay hydrated. It’ll tend to lower serum glucose levels. Really monitor those levels. Remember, high blood glucose fattens up fetal babies into Jumbo size versions of themselves. Not cool. Common sense rules here.

Oh god, the Vega. Had to put a quart of oil in it everyday before school. Your comment....makes perfect sense.

You're very charming, for real.

Sociopaths invent memories and BELIEVE them, too. Becomes a point of pride to defend, elaborate on, etc. All about him, you’ll see. Ho fucking hum, this guy’s a snore; out here in the hinterlands people just want Mueller to drop. For some of us the report will be bread, for others, circuses. Trump’s delusions will get

Worth all the scrolling to read. 

Personally, I think putting their heads on spears an acceptable answer.

Look up the movie Terrorvision. Worth it. You may be onto something.

I work in the inner city. Give me 5 minutes to explain to a poor uneducated mother the Facts and BOOM, another baby vaccinated. I’m saying if a 16 year old high school dropout gets it...WTF. Is wrong with these college educated bloggers?

Grandmother in law told a harrowing story of her first child’s death. She described the child as unable to breathe on her own. Her husband rocked the baby from side to side, effectively breathing for her. It worked as long as the young couple lasted...but exhaustion set in and they. just. couldn’t anymore. Their

Agree, as a nurse. I delivered a fetal demise in the er. Mom refused prenatal care. Baby was blue, obv dead for days. Parents shrieking and blaming staff. All for nothing and it was hard to get that image out of my head. Oh! And I’ve seen death from untreated diabetes, scarlet fever and other easily treated diseases.

Her intentions were to get attention from like minded friends/idiots. This shit has always been ok in her little world. She doubled down by hiring a lawyer to explain why a nice white lady couldn't mean HARM by such an innocuous action. God this is exhausting.

It’s because some people think they aren’t visible. Truly, I think people like this float along in a bubble of total self absorbtion, never giving a thought to folks SEEING and REACTING and consequences, etc. It’s like a bad case of cataracts caused by unthinking privilege.

JEEZus! Give rural America a pass! It's nice out here and infested with hard shell Democrats and libs. Lotsa morons evah-where. Don't glibly judge entire populaces, like Dear Leader encourages! 

No. No they do not weed them out. I got stories. Horrible stories. Male and females doctors who acted like pieces of shit. Nursing usually buries these people, but only if it is documented and watertight. Nursing administration is the route if you wanna be heard. 

Booga, Booga! Scary black man, totes understandable.

I feel she'd crap her pants in public if there was an angle to be played.

Want to READ a great scary story? "The Night the Ghost Got In" James Thurber. 

Yes. Ha ha...Frampton Comes Alive