
The past 24 hours say otherwise

My wife showed me Tina’s post this morning. I was floored. I really do think certain people in the “church” need a come to Jesus moment.

Second Fact, Republicans are spineless.

Interesting. Hope this isn’t just for positive press

Cry me a river spoiled little girl.

Tom Brady.

need the other half to wake up because he puts all of us at risk.

Now would be a great time for the GOP to grow a pair

Week 1 and everyone is literally sick of his shit.

On behalf of my city, I welcome you all

Good question, unfortunately the media has been choosing the bait.

Bless these people

Almost like Mayonnaise with food coloring


You (collective media) have to stop focusing on the stupid stuff and the tweets. Pointing out the lies is great but don’t stick to them. You have to look at these executive orders and analyze how they’re going to affect people.


Grow up

I never knew he was a Hobbit

I was at the game. It was like no one off the bench was allowed to shoot unless they were completely uncovered.