we all know Trump is stuck in the 50's. To get an idea to wtf they will be comparing things to just look there. That’s why he says regulations are out of control and so is federal spending.
we all know Trump is stuck in the 50's. To get an idea to wtf they will be comparing things to just look there. That’s why he says regulations are out of control and so is federal spending.
Were they really there to protect her or where they trying to intimidate?
Well, it is a national pastime
I always thought he was the color of French Dressing, not Thousand Island
She forgets one of the basic rules of being an Adult. Not all money is good money.
How about giving Uncle Buck a full shot and not kill it at the drop of a hat
This show is indeed very special and is a must watch for all.
dude, this affects people that are currently home owners as well. It’s not necessarily about monthly affordability when buying a house in a city or suburban area, it’s also about having a lower down payment and not having to save forever to get out of an apartment. No one wins by Trump doing this.
I hope he isn’t entering the Uncle Ruckus phase of his life.
Thank you for your service
Thank you for your service
Hard pass
I would file this one under stupidity and not racism
Everything is fine...
smh “woke” vegans.........
She can have several seats
you and me both
A couple of things:
I hope you’re right. Right now it wouldn’t surprise me if Trump tried it