
I hope so

Claim the results of the election were false and deny the loss. A Republican controlled Congress would allow it to happen and not be a check on his abuse of power. And yes, this would be a violation of the constitution, but on his inauguration, he’s already going to be in violation of the almaulmuments (sp) claude,

Makes you wonder when he loses reelection, will he transfer power?

So will Assange keep his word?

When you can’t beat a Camaro, be a Camaro

May God have mercy on your clueless soul

We hide from no one. We relentlessly fight for justice. We become stronger with ever obstacle

I agree with all of those, it’s just the other threats make it seem like anything is possible.

You miss the entire point. Trump is beyond Republican and Democrat or Conservative vs Liberal. He’s acting like a Russian pawn and many of his moves put us all at risk.

Then Happy trails

True, but I have more Faith that Mike Pence would atleast not start WWIII or start a trade war. All the rest, we gotta pass like a bad kidney stone until 2018 & 2020

Wow, this basically sums up my feelings. Never seen anyone sum them up so accurately.

Is the podcast available on Google Play?

Sue them for everything they got.

Clearly Sunny isn’t about the BS

BTW, I believe their chairman has Trump connections.

