
Triumph of the Won’t

Must not be 3rd and short.

“The Packers have informed me that there letting me go.”

Goodell: “No, Mr. Synder, I’m not saying you can’t trade a second round pick, I’m saying that “the Waivers” aren’t a team...”

What would you like on your tombstone, Papa John’s?

He’s going to stop paying his mistresses to get them?

This was actually an ad for their new sitcom, “Triumph of the Will and Grace.”

The one thing Donald Trump will not be, is hung

The most disturbing thing about this is he thinks the creation of Adam and Eve were “the beginning of time.”

You and me both, lady.

“If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!”

Ben McAdoo looks like the guy who watches his ex-wife’s kids while she out on a date with Jeff Fisher.

He wasn’t overheard mumbling this shit from a bar stool. He published this bullshit. With his fucking name attached.

King of the Optical Patdown, here.

This is the most depressing picture ever taken at Kent State.

“It’s like I’m living a movie,” Mr. Smith said, when asked for comment.

“We were a rule of law nation before President Trump, we’re going to be a rule of law nation after President Trump.”

“Hey Giants, the best way to get rid of Apple cancer is chemotherapy. Trust me on this…”