
And before 2024, there is 2022 to worry about, and local races in 2021 and 2 Senate seats up in Georgia in January.

If people understood that the sources they are consuming are actively making them angrier and polarizing them, then they might choose to consume less of that.

Yes, she takes after her mom.

Oh, yeah, like when you graduate and get fifty offers to pay a hundred bucks to be in “Who’s Who.”

You’d be surprised how much a hardcore narcissist is willing to ignore while people seem to be praising them.

So, are the TGIF meetings the weekly “That Guy Is Fired!” meetings?

Damn. Where’s Reggie Jackson when you need him 

There are not bad developers. Only QA job creators.

At this rate, the entire Luck family is going to retire from football earlier than expected.

Now playing

I wonder if “Universe Warrior” hates “Particle Warrior”...

You can’t turn down a player with that much SWAG.

I often forget to note these wins, which, thinking long-term, can be just as valuable as dollars. The ones that were like “I met so-and-so when they emailed my podcast, and they connected me to X, who invited me to speak at the conference on Y, which I got to put on my resume,” etc. etc. 

Motherfuckers are playing checkers but they imprisoned the black pieces and tried to deport the red pieces

I’ll bite: MBS, in the Turkish Consulate, with a bone saw.

Man, Katt Williams would be a superb president.

The con where the most popular cosplay is always “piece of shit”.

In the words of Billy Roberts/Jimi Hendrix…

Should have brought milkshakes.