
I’m just eager to get the jerk off television every night

I think it is also that with the vast majority of politicians, they actually do believe they are serving the public good. Even Mitch McConnell at some point, maybe even still does, honestly thought his policies served a greater good. They may have lost along the way, but that is another story. The skeletons you’ll

is there a sister bill for the House, so we can bug or Reps about it?

Is that...Lando Calrissian? Leading the Reich? The fuck is Kathleen Kennedy doing with this franchise?

Or if it honks like a goose and steps like a goose

She’s like all those failed actors and actresses who got so bitter about not getting big in Hollywood, they went full right wing nutter. See: Dana Loesch, Ann Coulter, Steven Crowder

What if he does all that and wears a bunch of buttons trying to pass them off as military medals? Except he just inspires people to reference Office Space?

Especially since a least half of them are just trolling. They really don’t believe this shit. they just know what to say to “trigger libs”. And CNN is rewarding it and fueling the next true believer with a gun.

Yes, trying 1 strategy 100% of the time will produce more results for that strategy than any other. Brilliant observation.

That pragmatic position is to win in whatever way you can

So, keep being a loser and hope the game changes in yoru favor, even though the people winning are further rigging it so those demographic shifts have less influence.

How about stop trying to win a game even you admit is horrible rigged and broken? Why is it better to move slowly away from you “principles”? How long do you need to get curb stomped until you decide you don’t like the taste of cement?

The former view is pragmatic, maybe to a fault.

Unless said corporation is the vendor in a newly “privatized” industry. Then all those rules apply.

When has government ever run a large program that they didn’t underestimate the cost or over sell the benefits?

No, its sat on . Rich people don’t put their own money into their business. They don’t spend on goods and services because either they get it for free or at a major discount.

because the tax structure was so that it didn’t encourage the rich to just horde their wealth. So you didn’t get as many super wealthy. And somehow, we didn’t collapse into a communist hellscape.

“Name any country where this has worked”

A better example is the real life issue of school text book publishers writing up books that would meet Texas’ school board requirements and forcing smaller states to also use them. The book publishers don’t feel like publishing different versions, so they go for the largest customer.

Its in response to his stance on immigration and also his own superficial nature. Pointing out his family is here because his grandfather fled Europe and came here under questionable circumstances and also that his name is as fake as any of his products.