
There does seem to be a point of diminishing returns when it comes to spending, but don’t forget a few points:

That Trayvon Martin tweet was fake. Someone photoshopped a shitty take someone else had in 2013.

“What are butt-hurt white people going to ruin next by calling the cops?”

Did a progressive fracture Clinton’s flights to the MidWest? The ones she never took?

But you’re vote doesn’t count. That’s the only way I’ll agree to that.

Customer service is an advantage over competition. That isn’t a concern for WalMart in a lot of places.

it was their plan. The only reason they didn’t want it is because the democrats were pushing it. What does that tell you about their willingness to compromise?

Ya, nifty. How’s that been working the last 10 years? Do you know what its called when only one side in a negotiation compromises on anything? Surrender.

the Dolans already do that

I immediately thought of the neutral zone trap when I read this. And maybe its not the prettiest thing out there, but France’s players are trying to win the game, not look pretty.

I don’t think anyone is letting those assholes off the hook. Just pointing out how the woman who couldn’t mind her own damn business and decided to use two complete strangers for social media content inadvertently created a preventable situation.

No domestic terrorists or authority figures abusing their power need to be outed. that goes way beyond “two people having a conversation”. In your example, actual harm is being done

You could be a not asshole and just ask the person or choose to crop them out. Even still, the building is the subject and focus. You’re not trying to use that person for content. You’re not going to your Twitter feed and posting the picture of the guy to fun of his shirt/weight/hair cut/whatever.

So, lets talk to “they” and let them know it isn’t acceptable. It is entirely possible to establish etiquette.

Have you not been paying attention? The GOP’s playbook is to turn any form of dissent and criticism into declarations of war on the American way of life. They are passing laws legalizing killing protesters. You think there isn’t a few governors practically jerking off to the idea of turning a tank loose on a strike?

I think this is the ultimate game plan. When Mueller comes back or the tide really starts turning on them, Trump and the rest of the GOP will just point out they have millions of heavily armed, uneducated, reactionary, angry fuckheads frothing at the mouth and looking to start shooting and burning things. 

No, he’s frothing up his stupid, reactionary, racist, wannabe tough guy base. This is going to be the tactic. “Liberals hate our brave cops/troops/fuhrer!!!” And then “moderates” are going to hear that and keep going down the “both sides are bad” route.

Eh, the original idea for DHS was a good one. It was supposed to be there to coordinate between various law enforcement and intelligence agencies. This monster we got ain’t it. Although, maybe not use “Homeland” in its name. Sounds kind of fascist-y

In 1972, Nixon gifted the House of Saud a bunch of Treasury bonds that today are worth over $117 Billion.

do you have sweet karate moves to go with it?