Fair enough. Some of us see slavery to an affront to humanity. You see it as a good thing.
Fair enough. Some of us see slavery to an affront to humanity. You see it as a good thing.
It would make a lot of sense. The little guy/hamster thing. The affinity for making junked out modified vehicles. He hangs out with a big gorilla...
That was true in the past, but have you seen who the GOP has been pushing through to federal benches the last 18 months? They aren’t even looking for judges who interpret the Constitution conservatively. They don’t want that kind of moral or logical consistency. They are appointing lackeys. People to rubber stamp…
We’ll just see the same type of vacation resorts that used to be in Nevada so couples could get quick divorces. Unless Customs is going to make every woman passing through pee on a stick
Meh, he found a way to appeal to a hostile (and I mean that in every sense) crowd. I think this anecdote speaks more about Stupid McBigot’s supporters than Acosta.
Perhaps “imply” is the word I’m looking for rather than “assert”. Still shady as fuck.
looks like a certain university will be back in business
So, its OK to lie to a person if I am asserting myself as a medical professional without actually being one?
Noon EST or GMT?
Noon EST or GMT?
Ya, no shit. This is only part of the backfire. You know the little scumbag has saved the very choicest of texts and voicemails for publication to show just how bad the “alt-left” is and to push moderates and centrists further right to distance themselves from this sort of thing. You gave fuel to the “both sides are…
Even Republicans are going to refuse to accept someone who is clearly not qualified for the position;
Booth was fighting for States’ Rights and protecting our history.
Except she broke the same Prime Directive he did. One of three things people actually go to jail for in this country.
Don’t. Fuck. With. Rich. People’s. Money.
I don’t see the connection between sports and the military.
“It was unfortunate that on-field protests created a false perception among many that thousands of NFL players were unpatriotic. This is not and was never the case”
So, do your responses mean you support what I said? No, of course not. That would be stupid conclusion to draw. However, if you make a point to bring attention to every comment I make is going to do nothing to stop me from commenting and only make you look crazy.
meh, not their best batch. and, while I dig the pipe, I don’t see McCree as Sherlock. Tracer is a better bet, what with her being British and having an obvious coke habit.
Ya, I wouldn’t be mad if we just did away with the North Korea style coerced patriotism display.
Except going batshit crazy at every little thing this nobody says does distract from the real evil. Part of the attack is flooding us with these Stepford bots and getting us to nitpick every stupid thing they say. She and the rest aren’t trying to sway the folks in the middle to their “side”. They are trying to…
Except I don’t do these frequently. And the people who clutch their pearls and rant about her far outnumber me. So, “but you clicked” is a dumb point. How the fuck else do we address this bullshit?