
I have no doubt whatsoever that he’ll win again, as apparently Dirty Dingus McGee is allowed to do whatever the hell he likes whenever the hell he feels like it. A gelatinous wheezing orange teevee game show host who masquerades as a “business billionaire” has become the most powerful figure in American political

“How many people are interested in a 15-year-old’s butthole?”

“If Don Dingus wants to do something, it cannot be illegal or impeachable, because he is an obnoxious waddling make-believe TV billionaire and you are not”. The depths of total delusion these cretins stoop to just boggles the mind. The idea that this gassy blathering old feeb is trying to “save” America is so

Anyone can take a bad pic or three but good God man, look at that cretinous old feeb. The hair hovering above his scalp, the neck waddle tucked into his collar, the general look of imbecility...he makes second term Reagan look almost competent.

He looks EXACTLY like a guy whose father-in-law got him his first real job.

And Trumpies...who worship “the troops”...just ignored it and/or pretended he “meant something else”.

Well, maybe he should have used an attorney. The folks he gunned down don’t get the luxury of a do-over.

Remember a few months ago when someone revealed the brand of orange paint Lard Belly uses on his grotesque mutant face? Has anyone else noticed how he’s obviously using something different now? He’s sort of browner now, shinier too. IMO it’s safe to conclude that he changed bronzer brands just to prove the “leaker”

Facebook is perfect for Trumpies, as it’s the all-purpose web portal for imbeciles who’ll gladly pay you to turn the caps lock off and/or plug in their printer for them...Waddlin’ Don’s core demographic.

It’s just a modern-day freak show where people gawk and laugh at the fatties while pretending to “care” about their well-being.

Those who’ve “succeeded” in Waddlin’ Don’s flatulent orbit are the ones who understand that it doesn’t matter what you say or do, as Trumpies are going to eagerly lap it up like braying animals as long as someone they perceive to be a “lib” is “being owned” (defined as disagreeing with and mocking them regardless of

He has no chin. None of his kids do except Ivanka, who bought hers.

The flabby witless babbling of a sad chinless man. The beard does nothing to hide it, either, it just makes his face look more crotch-like.

I love Lard Belly’s gassy rebuttals...”did not! Nuh-uh! Fake! Greatest ever!”. It was inevitable that the scum surrounding him would attempt to cash in on the circus, as anyone who’d willingly associate with Blubber Rump is by definition a scumbag at heart. I do enjoy how angry it gets him, though, as the added stress

Another weirdo too stupid to grasp that Lard Belly is mocking and laughing at her as soon as she’s out of view. He doesn’t give a fuck about God, Jesus, fetuses or any of it, there’s no way it could be any more obvious either.

Well put comment.

A WOC? Oh that explains everything....yap, yap, yap, always a mile a minute.

Perfessor Dingus, the big know-it-all. When he falls off the toilet and hits HIS head it’ll be no big loss.

“Russian technology” = “British cuisine”.

Wow LOL. So, so incorrect and wrong. Oh well, at least we’ll agree on Election Day and that’s all that really matters now. Hope your reading comprehension improves. I don’t know anything about you, thus making those insane assumptions is impossible. Nazis????? OK then.