
Donna is perfect because she’s the most normal and boring and character with a temper any show ever had. Most stories and shows, like advertising always show you “perfect” people, even when they are supposed to be flawed they are fucking good looking. Donna is irritating, often dreams of superficial things, ugly

Really? I feel like Donna was an overwhelmingly popular companion. She’s someone that probably comes closest to being an actual Scrappy Doo type character too, being so wacky with such an out there personality. But for a lot of people, they really grew to find her endearing and they really loved her totally platonic

These poll numbers are the natural consequence of Republican legislatures cutting funding for public education.

Here’s the thing.

And Leia, being of common sense, knew the drama which would unfold should she attempt to pin a medal to the flesh of a 7 foot tall space bear.

Captain America merely punched Hitler; Rory Pond punched Hitler and put him in the cupboard. \o/

Did anyone else do the math on the poor Hawk-people’s average lifespan? They say they’ve lived 206 lives over 4,000 years.

Well I was wondering why exactly no one thought to pick up that arrow Savage was so conveniently shot with and then left behind. How could a team of scientist not find a mystic’s blood useful? Barry, I am ashamed of you. I honestly though that was the whole reason Oliver actually hit the mark, for them to have

Agreed, I was really annoyed when doucheMan shot that plan down. What WOULD happen? It is a prospect worth exploring and I find it hard to believe they never tried it before. Maybe they did and they just don’t remember.

Arrow’s Writing room:
Writers: Let’s have Oliver not tell the person he loves the most in the world his biggest secret because someone he barely knows asks him to. You know like he did last season and like Laurel, Diggle, Lance, & Thea did this season...all on different instances.
Guy delivering Coffee: Why can’t he,

Let’s all say it, this was bad, and if you feel like reading a long diatribe about the real reason why then you’re in luck.

It’s not only entirely reasonable, it’s actually MORE reasonable then, say, letting Savage kill two million people in a flood to protect your own asses. Even if it means you don’t reincarnate again, quite honestly it’s a more heroic solution than anything else presented on the show.

Probably god damn Funko.

And who even makes action figures for wanted criminals that single out your city for terrorizing?

And regarding the thing with Malcolm and his small paint can full of immortal guy dust: Are we saying that the entire calamity the folks in Legends of Tomorrow are going to have to deal with is kicked off because nobody on Teams Arrow or Flash could be bothered to bust out a dustpan or fire up a Bissell after they

Yeah, this one was bonkers start-to-finish, and you could tell by the look on Felicity’s face that she’s going to go digging into the secret kid thing and break up with Ollie again.

I can’t believe Kendra dumped Cisco for that asshole. That's fucking bullshit. Unfortunately, it's also the most realistic thing that happened in the episode.