
I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”

Ecuador is not what you might expect. It’s actually a beautiful, sophisticated country with a temperate climate (at least when I was there), in spite of being on the equator - probably due to the altitude. It is turning into a retirement haven. Quito, the capital, is beautiful.

How can someone be so thirsty with so much water around?

Great article! I commented earlier that this book is in the grand tradition of books that are written and sold exclusively for corporate HR and sales managers to distribute to their staff as part of some kind of mandatory seminar. No one reads them, no one opens them, they’re basically props.

She utterly destroyed Ted Cruz, which was satisfying to watch. Evidently Harvard Law and Princeton can’t teach their students common sense.

I just want you filthy people to wash your legs. We’ll worry about scents at a later date.

Counterpoint: A rich, white, male president who doesn’t think he needs to do the most important part of his job because “you know, I’m, like, a smart person.”

This is not some innate cultural feature; merely sloppy, uneducated poor English; and people who speak poor English typically stay poor.

This is called “deficit mindset” and is about how people make assumptions from the way a person (usually a child) talks and acts that that child is stupid or unable to perform at a high academic level. It’s also prejudicial. Language cues and slang use are in no way related to a person’s intelligence, the same way

Count(ess) Nefaria me thinks.

people who speak poor English typically stay poor

Is “abusing semicolons to project the illusion of superiority” a white value?

Speaking properly: check

Hmmm, it seems to me that people like you are the reason the quote works so well...

Although delivered poorly, I don’t think it’s bad advice. Code switching has been necessary for a lot of people, even poorer rural white people. My husband had a strong Kentucky twang as a kid, but he forced himself to get rid of it in college because of the treatment he received from people when he spoke. It sucks (I

You know, I see the point you are (somewhat poorly) trying to make, but that’s not the point of this article. The problem is that too many people see “speaking properly” not as a “human value” but as a solely WHITE value.

The difference is that the Luke photo reveals a detail that references Earth (the t-shirt) whereas the R2 mistake still looks otherworldly. Lucas has said many times that he liked to minimize reminders for viewers that they were watching a movie filmed on Earth. It’s one of the reasons there are no opening credits

And a no-nonsense attitude. Scientific bad girl superhero...