Dread Fox

Diversity is our strength and multiculturalism is great....or so I’m told.

So....written by a NPC basically.

Your prime minister can’t even keep his eyelashes on...

As a long time Xbox fan I ask the same question. Xbox is around basically for Xbox Live and the freaking gamepad. Release Halo/Gears/Forza on PlayStation, release the gamepad for PlayStation, and end Xbox hardware and everything will cry about it for a few days but then go boot up Halo 6 on PS5 and not really care.

Unrealistic body standards for men just needs to stop.

Don’t apologize for an awesome comment. Ever.

I don’t get it.

She’s all kinds of crazy that one.

If he weren’t a comedian I would agree. 

There is also another possible reason: The most recent Star Wars films were simply unlikable and not very good...

I’m not surprised at all. I chose to watch their games on YouTube rather than play them. 

Like many things in life......should have gotten it out of her system before having kids.

LMFAO needs more stars

Funny you mention that. There was a random meme on IG the other day that pointed out her diary was written using a ballpoint pen......which isn’t possible because that didn’t exist during the time of her writing the diary. 

Ok but there is a time and place. Munn took a stand and got the scene cut. She stood up to Black and he backed down, the studio apologized, and Black further apologized. For which I’m proud of her and a great example of a woman’s voice being heard and getting things done.

Knocked on her own door and yelled open up? So I assume she has a husband or roommates? 

Can we please just give every single black person in this country and for 3 more generations after a nice basic income? To wipe away any criminal records and reboot their credit to 700?

He said over and over again it was a bad move....like what do you want? It’s almost as if you cheering for the blunt/immature Trump that would have called Nike names...

Most young white male shooters were raised by single mothers and on minimum one prescription drug.

Geeze how long did you stay in that relationship?