Dread Fox

If a black man did the same with the same results (cops involved) there would be a very different article on here today. Headline would sympathize with the black male and claim racism for not allowing him to simply pet a dog.

I think big IP’s that release a Battle Royal variant could do very well. The only polished Battle Royal game on consoles is Fortnite. I play it all the time but PUBG is.....a freaking mess. Crap framerate, kicked out of games, various bugs, still only 1 map, etc.

You think gun owners legit WANT a race war?

Why miss out on that Switch revenue?

How about being grateful for at least 24 hours before asking for even more?

He looks like Freddy Krueger put on some concealer trying to blend in.

The way you place all the blame on his feelings and perceptions guarantees that if this letter were written by a female about her male partner keeping old cellphones and wedding albums you would absolutely be on her side.

He indicates she has multiple boxes, wedding rings, the freaking wedding dress, and old phones still full of photos. I am not suggesting she throw all that away, but there is nothing wrong in considering your partner’s feelings and knowing no GOOD can come from bringing all that into your shared living space. One can

“You’re going to let her know that you get that this isn’t any fault of hers; it’s just your jerk-brain screwing with you.”

Umm...it’s it just quoting an old movie?

This is what you all wanted, the chance for EVERYONE to go to college. Enjoy.

I think you meant to say President Nobel Peace prize....

This needs more stars.

You mean a human being and still alive? Then yes.

I mean.....for a few seasons we all universally agreed Dexter was cool so?

Zelda II on NES. Freaking GREAT game that apparently everyone hates but me.

Ever read the ingredients on a sunscreen bottle? Yeah you all keep rubbing that directly into your skin.

The burden of proof is on the accuser is it not? I’m not sure what proof of innocence Oliver could possibly expect Hoffman to produce during that exchange.

I’ve said it from the time Xbox One was released: I’d be holding onto my 360 right up until the day Ninja Gaiden Black was playable on X1. Well I’m a man of my word and the 360 has been sold.

Hell Turtles in Time on SNES was actually superior to the arcade version.