Dread Fox

I lived in Florida my entire life and have been thru many hurricanes. Does it suck losing power? Yes, but it’s never out for more than 4 days. A generator makes it tolerable and we always have plenty of food.

Shut up

If everyone evacuated that was “supposed to” the highways would NEVER be able to handle it. It would literally stop the state completely.

That’s my point tho. At what point does the uniform not matter? When basic human rights are being violated and something is simply wrong to all those witnessing it, what is amazing is how we are brainwashed to do nothing because of a uniform or rank.

This is why I both respect and equally fear cops. Most of them are good, and I was brought up to show them respect. Do the right thing and “you” aren’t the bad guy and have nothing to worry about. But that’s a bit of brainwashing in a way because when a cop does do something completely bonkers we don’t react the way

Hey look, a worse human being than Trump.

I’m a white guy surrounded by whiteness and I don’t know a single Nazi or even a Nazi sympathizer.

Here’s the deal. In the years following the Civil War, veterans from both sides got together, formed veteran’s associations, held reunions, and essentially not only came to terms with each other but healed and bonded together.

Shovel Knight is a formula a wish more Retro games would follow. It feels like Mega Man merged with Zelda II and it rocks. The music is also awesome. I want games that are new but also feel very familiar like the old days.

Isn’t the distinction between her and every other victim listed the fact that she called the police in an attempt to help someone else?

I think a better strategy is to stop bleeding money like an idiot in every other aspect of his life so he can in fact afford those private charters.

Considering how many random acts of violence occur every single day yes it is VERY possible it was a random act.

People are welcoming and loving here?

“This is what white people do”

Exactly. They kept making this kid out to be a genius. They went to his home and he showed off another one of his “inventions”. It was a 4 port USB hub that he had simply taken the casing off of.

You’d think after reading what they managed to compile they would simply toss it. I mean...it’s nothing. A bunch of ex’s telling stories with no point, hardly damaging.

3D made me sick. Which is odd because nothing else has ever had that effect on me.

Do your friends, work colleagues, and neighbors have criminal histories? Robbery for example? 

As a fellow atheist I think it’s all rather silly. That’s the best word I can use to describe all religion. Imagine for a moment if 95% of the population were atheist. Where we didn’t have churches of any kind had zero conversation about higher beings and life after death paradise.

I got one of eBay that’s been working great for about 2 months.

I got one of eBay that’s been working great for about 2 months.