Long Live Video Games

The armor looks better in the maximum picture but why does the face look very pale in the same picture?

At least the original PC version plays fine.

Enough with the catering to one platform BS. Equal rights for all.

People bought Portable Ops and now complaining about Ground Zeroes.

Eve Universe + Oculus Rift = Next gen version of Blazing Angels as seen in the Arcades.

Haters will never stop hating. You see it everywhere.

If they started from the bottom, it is done that way. Frostbite engine did that for Battlefield.

I'm not saying prequels have better acting or even story. The fight scenes in the original trilogy are weaker. It's like when Star Trek Generations released. Top notch actors very good at drama were doing action scenes. It was a big change.

The prequel trilogy did have great action scenes better than the original trilogy.

Social Club, and a Network for Online portion are the deciding factors for GTA V PC.

Inspirational. A type of hero for the people.

Aren't they making a lot of changes to the game in this expansion?

The worst RE game.

If only more companies followed the path of Epic's UT3 on PS3, mods would be as popular as on PC. Not all but at least most probably would be.

Games on Steam have big updates especially during each of the seasons.

Its next generation Medal of Honor and Call of Duty. Hopefully, this time the studio doesn't get screwed over.

I meant I wasn't sure if the soundtrack should be included. Crazy Taxi and Tony Hawk don't have all songs in the new versions.

Great game. There is a game on Steam that looks similar. I haven't played it yet.

Yes. I added the info late.