Long Live Video Games

Racing to get to the endgame and/or all items doesn't equal a long lasting game. Microtransactions do not bother at all with the changes that took place.

Makes sense since Playstation never got all the Far Cry games.

Forcing people to buy microtransactions is NOT the reason to reduce the amount for payouts. People forget about gameplay balance and automatically want to cheat their way whether its an in-game exploit or hacks. The microtransactions in GTA Online do not bother the player at all.

"Get off my plane!" - Harrison Ford

Now playing

This and Mighty Max are my favorite shows I use to watch.

GTA SA is the same universe as GTA 3 which happens to be a second prequel. Go through the story of SA and see how GTA 3 takes place after SA.

Sony had to change the authorization to 2 or 3 consoles down from 5 after getting complaints.

They did take it out. The xbox live digital marketplace is Microsoft territory.

Digital only title that requires an "authorized" console ((PS3 and Steam players know about authorization)) or use the account that owns the product.

GTA 3 = early 00s or modern at time of release

I think you mean GTA SA was set in the 90s. GTA 4 and 5 are modern times but different universes than GTA SA.

Maybe San Fierro and Las Venturas will be in future DLC's. Still awesome the story continues in the South.

Even as a FREE service, Rockstar's Social Club and others will still be complained about.

Back to the drawing board?

Red Dead Revolver

GTA is a game with heroes that fight against a corrupt system of government to make living for themselves.

Why would there be any mention of non-microsoft platforms when they specifically want people to buy it for Microsoft platforms?

Rockstar wants to give the stimulus packages to "Good Sport" players. The fans that stick with the game.

Most dedicated PC games were playing to a niche audience,

Such negativity.