Long Live Video Games

If it was a black guy giving any kid a cigarette, then all hell will break loose and there will be constant bitching from fox news. Stop with the racism and enjoy life together as one.

Metal Gear Touch is an older tribute to light gun games on iOS.

Time Crisis and light gun games will always be favored by gamers everywhere.

Love what entertainment video games bring overall. Nitpick and haters? Screw that crap. You can't go through life nitpicking every little thing.

Real name is for friends only either through facebook or email.

to both pursue our right to operate and our customer's right to play WoW as they choose

The Battlenet way please!

Female Duke Nukem would be better.

Buy new at full or lowered price- Get everything intact.

Great article.

1 Rockstar needs to work more on passive mode. You are invincible unless someone uses a vehicle and you drive around in a vehicle. They already have a time delay for when the mode is disabled. That should be enough.

Hey hey no sales were taken away from Dillinger so he can't complain about anything.

It wasn't Rockstar that announced it.

If this design was the original, no one would complain. People think of one design as the only design instead of opening up to different possibilities.

4. Don't make us pay for your services while they're busted.

D2 years ago was a time when internet services were horrible compared to today's services and the demand for Diablo games was lower than today.

Actually it most likely comes down to the online service + the use of social club more than piracy issues. Rockstar barely focused on online in GTA since IV. They need time to figure it out on PC.

Cops is what made GTA fun since Day 1. Cause havok across the city and an enemy force comes in to stop you.

Please make Social Club like battlelog is on the PC at least for online portion.

It may have been released early on PC, but the PC release didn't make it popular. The console version is what made it known in the first place. Most gamers played on original playstation than any other platforms.