Long Live Video Games

The hate was there just as much as the love is there today. People are fans to the end and others are backstabbers. The ones bitching at Capcom were never fans in the first place if they can't enjoy the hobby they love and/or grew up with.

They are facts when they did happen. ANYBODY, either indie or AAA, can make the best game ever and people hate on it claiming they know what a best or worst game truly is. This happens every year.

It wasn't only the internet that would hate on Capcom games.

I gave facts. You never gave any. I said Capcom "COULD" come up with the best MM game ever and people will still shit on it. ANYBODY could come up with the best __________ game ever and there will be people talking shit on it.

No one bitched about the old Capcom style.

People bitched and moaned about the old Capcom style when it still played great as it was during the 90s and early 00s.

How is there not some substantial VIDEO GAME fatigue yet? How many Video Games with just a bunch of lame gimmicks can people play before they get tired of them?

More lies on your part. I only stated facts. Capcom could come up with the best MM game ever and people can still shit on it exactly like people do with Counterstrike GO and Valve. You don't have any proof.

There was a loading issue for the first tutorial but that was gone after 4 restarts. So far, its been lag issues.

The first three is what would happen if they attempted like the other series.

- Capcom makes a new Mega Man game.

Bitch about aim assist is for noobs. Bitch about you have to actually MOVE the reticule to a different spot. This is like patch day for Battlefield.

The last time Saints Row learned from GTA was the original. The serious Saints Row about modern gangsters and taking over turfs similar to GTA SA. After that, they are staying away from GTA's territory by going more arcade-like.

I thought Ace Combat always had a fuel system since the ps1 games?

Its not holding back content if it wasn't planned or is meant to "fit" for the original game in the first place.

Exactly. If someone doesn't a game or company, then ignore the product and move on.

Simply put, everyone who pledged on Kickstarter will get the complete game.

It is possible opportunities will come up if he follows someone. Its either get up and go somewhere or stay locked up in the house doing nothing.

Having some restrictions in place for a civilized society is better than complete anarchy with no security available.

Franklin. He wants to make it big one day and willing to work hard. The problem is people around him and his hood are preventing him from going anywhere.