Long Live Video Games

I do agree with DC but I am thinking of two other franchises as examples.

The clickable sticks would break easily and people would be complaining.

Technically, the stuff could be done in real life. Modifying the rules in street sports is still fun.

I'm confused since it was an awesome game.

Blood and Profanity is all that is missing.

If they had a harsher treatment for cheating, people would bitch. Look at Diablo 3 or SimCity requirements just for the constant bitching. It would be much worse.

Price doesn't matter. It is the content that matters to people.

If the issue is like Battlefield Play4Free where the guns were taken away after somebody paid money, then yes they can complain.

You would rather people hack the game to unlock everything than play legitimately going through the ranks? Giving people the option for shortcuts is better than letting everyone hack the game. See any Battlefield game.

So what you are saying is the CoD/Quake engine is better than Cry Engine? That is from your comment.

What other isometric couch co-op game is there these days? Blizzard stepped up and brought out Diablo. Haters will be hating on awesome games.

Majority of D2 players treated the game as an MMO especially with buying/selling items. Majority always wins.

When did Blizzard ever have decent balancing? They are always tweaking the balance in everything.

I thought it was one of the original GTA cars?

Yes, having a choice isn't the same as screwing people over. Anybody can decide for themselves they do not want to pay for the DLC, free or paid, and simply ignore it while enjoying the base game.

Its not the dev's fault people want shortcuts instead of playing legitimately.

AHHHHH patch day! Where people whine about changes.

A player buying an overpowered gun or item to use on their character is fine. They didn't hack to get it like cheaters do in Battlefield history.

People claim EA's games are scams when it isn't what they wanted.

No one is "forced" to buy any of it.